7 Things to Know About the Chinese Zodiac

5. Innumerable number of combinations

While a person might be a rabbit because of the year they were born in, they might also be a dragon internally, a tiger truly and an ox secretively. So, this gives 103,680 probable combinations! Nature’s 5 forces working along with the 12 yearly animal signs multiplied with 12 months of a year, along with the 12 days and the 12 periods of the day gives us the result 103,680 for one person!

6. The Chinese Zodiac is based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar

Since each year begins on a new moon early in the calendar year, any Chinese year begins invariably after the winter solstice with the second new moon. Therefore, the Chinese new year is changeable.

7. Fables surrounding Chinese Zodiac signs

There are numerous fables associated with the Chinese Zodiac. It is said that God ordered to designate animals as signs for each year and the twelve that arrived first were chosen. Thus, these animals became the signs for each of the twelve years.

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