7 Things Every Man Must Have

5. A (non-broke) wallet

Chivalry is something that would never go out of fashion. Even though you must make sure that the man is not spending all the time, or find a way to pay him back in kind (not in the bedroom!), a man must always have a wallet containing at least a little amount of money.

6. A good smelling cologne

One cannot control the amount of sweat one produces. Nor can one control all those bacteria found in nature. What one can control is the ability to smell good all the time. And for that, a nice cologne is a must for every man. Maybe you could gift him a fragrance you love!

7. Washboard abs

This is to die for! No one likes a paunch. Not men, not women. Usually. And somehow, it is always easier for a man to have those flat abs. Unfortunately, that makes those very abs a must have for every man!

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