7 Signs You are Having an Unhealthy Relationship With Your Parents

5. Your parents use violence as a means to discipline you

It is not necessary that you could be having an unhealthy relationship with your parents, but your parents could be in that spot too. If your parents tend to use violence and verbal abuses as a way to discipline you and keep you under control, that is a sign of an unhealthy relationship.

6. You feel lonely and scared all the time

An easy way to recognize an unhealthy parent-child relationship is to see if the child feels safe and comforted in the company of his/her parents. If you feel afraid to open up about your feelings, talk about your problems or seek help in dealing with your parents, you could be having a deteriorating relationship with them.

7. You get everything you want from your parents without even trying

An extreme end of an unhealthy parent-child relationship is parents giving their child everything under the sun without any effort on the child’s part. If your parents have no time for you and they compensate their love with money and give you more than you could ever ask for, it could be a sign of having an unhealthy relationship with them.

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