7 Signs He Wants You Desparately

5. He keeps buying you gifts

It may be considered weird if a guy constantly keeps buying gifts for a girl unless he is her boyfriend or husband. It may typically be the case if he is trying to impress her. If you keep getting gifts from him every other week, it can be a sign that he wants you desperately and that he is trying to woo you by giving so many gifts.

6. He is more comfortable with you than you are with him

Do you seem surprised the way he behaves with you as if he has known you for years? Are his comfort levels with you beginning to worry you? The fact that he is more comfortable with you than you are with him, may be an indication that he is trying to get closer to you and connect with you emotionally. Try to notice if he behaves as if you have known each other since a lifetime.

7. He never disagrees with you

It could be a sign that he wants you desperately when he never disagrees with you. Typical indications are when he always nods his head in agreement, never says no to anything you have to say, always supports you in arguments and agrees with your opinion even when you are wrong. If you want to check, you can deliberately say something stupid and see if he agrees with you or not.

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