7 Reasons Why Short Nails Are Better Than Long Nails
There may be thousands of ladies out there telling you why longer nails are more stylish and sexier than shorter versions. However, here is a new theory which tells you that shorter nails are a better option than longer nails. Browse through these 7 reasons that will tell you why shorter nails are better than longer ones.
1. Easy to maintain
As soon as you cut your nails short, you can happily say bye to chipping of nail tips and spending nearly half your salary on nail products. So, next time when your girl friend, with long nails, complains about how difficult they are to maintain, simply flash your 10 finger nails in front of her face! You have every reason to be thankful to your short nails!
2. Are healthy
Long nails require a lot of maintenance. Nail protection gels and solutions for your cuticles, apart from the money factor, are a pain in the neck! If you don’t look after them well, they will grow weak, brittle and break. It can also result in discoloration. Not only will your nails loose their sheen, they may also become yellow. Shorter nails are healthier, shinier and save you all this pain.
3. Are hygienic
What can be more gross than yellow-colored nails with dirt collected inside the tips? Gross! The very thought of having nails like that is equivalent to having a nightmare! Long nails tend to collect dirt. As mentioned above, it is difficult to keep them healthy. It may also result in discoloration which can make your nails appear like this total nightmare. Now who wants that? Opt for shorter nails instead. They are easy to maintain, clean and hygienic.
4. Everything looks good on them
There is so much that you can do with them. Dark colors look better on shorter nails than on longer ones. You can decorate them creatively. You can even use some amount of bling, without having to worry about them looking malicious. If you want to stick to lighter colors, you can do that as well.