7 Common Remedies for Cold

7 Common Remedies for Cold

Catching cold is one of the most widespread health problems that have been around for more than a thousand years now. Cold could be caused by a wide range of virus strains that withstand cold temperatures or due to allergies. In some cases, even frequent change in extreme temperatures can lead to cold and cough. Though there are no permanent remedies or prevention vaccines for the common cold, there are a number of natural and homemade remedies to get rid of cold. Listed here are some common remedies to fight cold.

1. Stay healthy

You can easily catch a cold if your immunity is low. One of the important steps to be taken to keep common cold at bay is to eat a well-balanced and nutritious diet.

2. Drink water

It is very important to drink plenty of water when you have a cold. Water helps in preventing dehydration and also helps to flush out the mucus from your system. Usually the first symptom of a common cold is sore throat. As soon as you experience the initial symptoms of a sore or itchy throat, you can gargle with warm salt water. Take a glass of warm water and add half a teaspoon of salt. Mix well and gargle with small amounts of this liquid. Salt is a very effective natural antiseptic, and warm water soothes the sore or itchy throat.

3. Consume garlic

Garlic is another effective cure for common cold. Parents all over the world have been known to give hot chicken soup, with lots of added garlic to their children affected with cold. Chicken soup is said to have anti-inflammatory properties, and garlic is said to be a good immunity booster.

4. Inhale steam

Steam is another effective means of providing relief to blocked noses due to common cold. Boil water in a vessel, add a teaspoon of Eucalyptus oil (optional), and inhale the steam while keeping your mouth and eyes closed. The steam helps in clearing the blocked nasal passages.

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Photo Courtesy : mcfarlandmo
TAGS: avoid sugar, drink water, garlic, More