7 Beautiful Fishes You Can Have In Your Aquarium
3. Rainbow fish

Photo Courtesy: GrowWear
Rainbow fishes are the perfect choice for an aquarium hobbyist, who is looking out for a peaceful and easy-to-look-after fish. As the name suggests, rainbow fishes are extremely colorful. They are silver in color and boast red and blue strips. They come in plenty of different colors as well. Male rainbow fishes are more attractive than the female ones. They are friendly and do great in groups of three to five.
4. Gold fishes

Photo Courtesy: Ting Chen
Gold fishes are believed to bring good luck. They also make great gifts for friends and family. They, however, regularly require dechlorinated water. If you do that, they will be perfectly fine. Not many people know this but, gold fishes live longer than any other breed. Their life span is up to 25 years! They are super entertaining to watch all day. They are a little delicate; but if you take good care of them, you will find them lighting up the ambiance beautifully in your aquarium for many years.
5. Tetras

Photo Courtesy: úlfhams_víkingur
Tetras are tiny, yet one the most beautiful fishes that you can have. Even a single pair of them can light up your whole aquarium. They come in iridescent hues of the rainbow. They can grow anything from 1 to 5 inches. They come in black, silver, golden and neon colors. A popular feature of tetras is a glowing iridescent stripe that starts from the eyes and ends at the tail. They are also very good for breeding.