7 Beautiful Fishes You Can Have In Your Aquarium
Apart from dogs, cats and birds, fishes are the most calm and amazing pets to have. An aquarium of fishes is not only beautiful to watch, but hardly requires any effort to look after them. Here are 7 of the most beautiful fishes you can have as pets in your aquarium.
1. Corydoras Catfish

Photo Courtesy: bob_jenkins
Catfishes got their name because of their cat-like whiskers. Corydoras catfishes are one of the most sought after ones among all cat fishes. They are friendly, jovial and active. They also require low maintenance because they tend to stay at the bottom of the tank, consuming the left over food by the other fishes. The sad part is that they don’t live long. Their life span is about 3 to 5 years. They come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. However, the most popular varieties are the Panda Cory, the Bronze Cory and the Peppered Cory.
2. Oscar fish

Photo Courtesy: Daniella Vereeken
If you are looking for a fish with a long life span, an Oscar is a great choice. It will live for a good whole of 13 to 15 years, if taken good care of. It will grow up to 14 inches within a couple of years. It is admired for its long life span, size and its attractiveness. However, an Oscar’s company fish should be carefully chosen. Any fish that is small enough to go into its mouth is very likely to be swallowed. You surely won’t have any problem when it comes to feeding your Oscar, because its is forever hungry. But if you over feed it, it will be harmful for your Oscar.