6 Tips to Ease Neck Pain

4. Say bye to pillows

However, comforting and relaxing a stack of pillows feel, they create quite some problem to your neck. Therefore, get them away or use if you must, a thin pillow that doesn’t bother your neck too much.

5. Make the connection between forehead and palms

When stressed, we are used to tensing our neck muscles. This indirectly creates a lot of tension in the neck area and causes pain. You can try this tip anywhere and anytime. As you are sitting at office at your desk, simply lean forward and keep your elbows on the desk. Keep your head centered on your shoulders and press your forehead into your palms. Your palms should resist the pressure of your head. Hold for a few seconds and repeat. Next switch your palms to the back of your head and repeat the exercise.

6. Consume magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that helps to contract and relax muscles. Talk to a nutritionist on your diet and the amount of magnesium you can take to help this process. Magnesium is found in certain fruits, vegetables, soy products, peas, beans, nuts and whole grains. Also, magnesium supplements help to give required support.

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