50 Ways To Lose Weight Fast

Photo Courtesy : deb roby
21. Make green vegetables a part of your daily diet
Both Nina and May were in agreement that spinach, broccoli and many other green vegetables are known to be extremely healthy food for women. They are rich sources of vitamins, antioxidants, iron, calcium and other essentials which are important for any weight loss regime.
22. Plan a long term weight loss
Short term weight loss goals can be harmful to your body. All trainers and experts suggest that you must plan your weight loss goals on a long term so that your body gets time to adapt to the new routine and lifestyle. A quick fix is not the solution, ladies.
23. Plan your eating timings well
“Due to my hectic schedule, my dinner time was usually 9 pm, after which I usually slept in less than half an hour”, said Nina. “My trainer recommended that I move my dinner time earlier and eat less carbs during dinner. I now have dinner at 7.30 pm and wait at least 2 hours before I hit the bed for all the metabolic processes to complete”, she added.
24. Fidget away
“Weighed down by my age, I could not immerse myself into extreme physical activity”, said May. She went on to explain that fidgeting can be a top way to burn those few extra calories during the day. “Wriggling, jiggling or fidgeting. Call it what you want. These things may seem to consume very less energy but if you actively keep on doing them all day, it all adds up to a lot”, adds May.
25. Exercise even while you sit
Nina was quick to agree to May’s tip for weight loss and said, “Although I don’t fidget, I do tend to do mini exercises even when I’m sitting on the chair or on the couch watching television. Calf raises, thigh extensions and those lovely little hand grips for the forehands are my favorite”.
26. Work more around the house
Amanda, who works from home said, “I run a work-from-home business that involves my attention in front of the computer for many hours. When I decided to lose weight, I decided that I’ll not use the dishwasher and get more involved with household chores” We think that’s a top weight loss tip, don’t you?
27. Drink in extreme moderation
We have some not-so-good news for you, ladies. We know that you love your wine, margaritas and more, but alcohol is not your friend when you are trying to lose weight. It will inhibit your bodily functions and metabolism. So the phrase ‘drink in moderation’ was never more important than now, girls.
28. Switch to low fat dairy products
Dairy products are indispensable in any household, especially ones with kids. A great weight loss alternative for dairy products is to make sure that you buy the low or no fat option. This holds for milk, cheese, butter, ice cream, yogurt, cream and all other dairy products on the shelf.
29. Boil or roast instead of frying
“Besides focusing on my own weight loss goals, I also need to take care of the eating habits of my two children. I’ve learnt that frying can be harmful in terms of increasing the fat and cholesterol intake”, said May. A top weight loss tip is to store away the fry pan and resort to more healthy cooking ways like roasting, boiling or steaming.
30. Use ankle weights if you don’t find the time for gym
“I removed fat from my tummy and buttocks by liposuction but decided that I wanted to tone my legs the natural way. I found ankle weights a great way to exercise even while sitting on a chair”, said Amanda. We like this idea because doing leg lifts while watching television won’t feel like exercising, will it?