50 Ways To Lose Weight Fast

Photo Courtesy : xamogelo
11. Use Yoga as a great tool to lose weight
Nina, 27 and the youngest in this discussion about weight loss said, “I’ve lost 29 pounds in the last 6 months and I owe it to Yoga. The intricate Asanas that my Yoga teacher taught me have helped me lose weight and regain a beautiful posture”.
12. Get a cook book that promotes healthy eating
A healthy diet is the foundation of losing weight and we think that a cook book that promotes healthy diet and healthy living is a fun way to reduce your calorie intake. What could be better than making delicious dishes without packing on those calories?
13. Make fruits an integral part of your diet plan
“Fruits are great for women who are trying to lose weight because they are high in vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and low in fat and cholesterol. I can’t think of a better food to incorporate in our diet plans, can you?”, asked Gina who swears by having fruit with every meal.
14. Hydrate yourself
We all know how important a role water and hydration plays in our bodily systems, don’t we? All our weight loss idols chant the benefits of drinking at least 8 to 9 glasses of water on a daily basis. If you indulge in intense physical activity, drink more to replenish the fluids that have been lost.
15. Park your car further away
Wondering what parking your car has got to do with weight loss? Gina had a neat weight loss tip and said, “I’ve now found a parking lot which is further from my office than the previous one. That way, I have to walk those extra blocks to reach my office and burn a few more calories while I can!”
16. Find a challenge
“Working out is difficult”, continues Gina. “If any of you are having a tough time finding the right time, mood and inspiration to work out, I suggest that you pick a work out buddy and make challenges with him/her”, she added. We love the sound of a challenge and believe that a challenge will inspire any woman on a weight loss program.
17. Get a personal trainer
Personal trainers will make you sweat and tire you out. That’s exactly what the doctor ordered if you are trying to lose weight by exercising. Personal trainers will show you the right exercises, the right moves and more importantly, will motivate you to lose weight.
18. Find healthy eating joints
“The fact that me and my partner love to eat out does not help my weight loss program. But we found a way out by scouting for healthy eating joints. Salad bars, noodle houses, and Asian take-away joints to have soup based meals are some of our staples”, said Claire. We love Claire’s weight loss tip because we get to eat out without worrying about the calories. Find those healthy eating joints, girls!
19. Keep a log of your measurements
“Keep a log of your measurements” is what Nina has to offer to women who are embarking upon a weight loss journey. We think that’s a great way besides the weighing scale to keep a track of how many inches you’ve lost and from which parts of your body.
20. Replace your burger with a low fat ready-to-eat meal when you want to snack
This top weight loss tip comes from Gina again, who said, “I used to grab burgers for lunch. I changed that habit and now opt for low fat ready to eat meals. Besides being low on cholesterol and fat, these meals don’t make me feel bloated the way a greasy burger does”. No surprises there, we said.