50 Ways To Enjoy Life

Photo Courtesy: Liz Grace
41. Go to a scenic place and read a book
Why scenic place? Because nothing can beat the splendid views of nature. Reading is a great way to induce happiness from within. Even if you are not a voracious reader, we suggest that you try it.
42. Leave work at your office
The key to enjoying life is to treat work as work and forget it when you step out of your workplace. Do you bring work home? Do you find yourself working in bed with a laptop? Friends, it is good to work hard but don’t ignore the happiness in life by being obsessed about work.
43. Invest in your future
We know, this may sound like motherly advice but to enjoy life, you will need a decent bank balance. A nice way to ensure that you have enough funds in life to fulfill your needs is to invest wisely in your future. Even if it is small amounts like $100 a week, start saving now and invest.
44. Organize a gathering of family and relatives
It is a different thing whether you get along with your relatives or not, but nothing will change the fact that you are indeed, relatives. Share your joyful moments of life with them by organizing a get together. It can be something as simple as a barbeque in your backyard.
45. Sample new delicacies
It is an immense pleasure to taste and sample new delicacies from around the world and we suggest that you try doing it too. Japanese cuisine, Italian, French, Moroccan, Afghan, Indian, Vietnamese… the list is long. Try them all.
46. Ditch the car, take the train to work
Traveling by public transport is a joy in life that you should not miss out on. If you are stuck on the freeway every single day of the week on your work, why not take the train instead? Meet new people and have fun.
47. Get a pet
Pets bring a lot of happiness in life. If you don’t believe us, go ask a cat owner or dog owner on how much they love their pets and how much their pets love them back.
48. Attend carnivals and festivals
Whether it is a carnival parade in Brazil or a Food Festival in Australia, such events are vibrant and very enjoyable. We certainly think that a visit to these festivals and carnivals will add a spark in your life.
49. Snuggle with your partner
Don’t you remember the first few weeks of your new relationship when you snuggled with your partner? Do you still do that? It can be as simple as lying in his arms on the couch or sitting on his lap for hours while you watch the TV. This is truly a priceless joy in life.
50. Stop being serious
A very effective way to enjoy life is to avoid being serious all the time. We know that this is easier said than done because you may have the pressure of a job, relationship, family, mortgage and more. But make an effort to smile always and not over analyze all elements in life.