50 Ways To Enjoy Life

Photo Courtesy: Witches Falls Cottages
31. Go for a massage every month
We know that massages can be a bit expensive and that’s why we ask you to make it only a monthly activity. A great massage will relax your body and calm your mind.
32. Have a big night out every now and then
It is okay to go out with friends and having a few drinks. That’s the way you enjoy life, don’t you? Just make sure it does not become a regular habit.
33. Live in the countryside
Metropolitan cities are concrete jungles, not what nature designed for us, ladies. Have you ever known the pleasures of living in the countryside? Do you know how it feels like to live amongst vast areas of land, open fields, glorious sunsets and long drives? We suggest that you spend at least a year or two of your life living in the countryside to enjoy nature’s gifts.
34. Write a diary
Many women feel that writing a diary is a very satisfying and enjoyable experience. It is a nice way to vent emotions and feelings.
35. Buy tickets to a symphony orchestra
Maybe you are not a fan of such music but we think it is a great joy of life to witness the glory of a live symphony orchestra. You will be amazed at the way the musicians play music.
36. Be a mentor
If you are an expert in your profession, you can opt to be a mentor for a university student or a fresher who has just joined the workforce. Teaching and imparting knowledge is a very enjoyable experience in life.
37. Keep your love letters
Love letters or love notes are written from the heart. We think it is a great idea to hang on to love letters, even if they are from ex boyfriends or ex partners because after many years, it will be very enjoyable to read these letters and think about the good times.
38. If you really want to enjoy life, find a nice hobby
It can be as simple as collecting stamps and it can be as complex as designing and making new dresses. Hobbies are a fantastic way to find something creative to do when you are alone or idle.
39. Go shopping
Do we even need to tell you girlies how enjoyable shopping can be? Go ahead, treat yourself to some shopping every now and then to bring a smile on your face.
40. Try new hairstyles from time to time
Don’t you remember how eager you were as a teenage girl to try new hairstyles and stylish hairdos? Age has got nothing to do with being excited about looking forward to new hairdos and making bold fashion statements.