50 Ways To Enjoy Life

Photo Courtesy: P_R_
21. Learn a musical instrument
It does not matter whether you become a pro at it or not, playing a musical instrument is one of the most enjoyable and satisfying experience in life. What you also need to know is, people don’t always learn a musical instrument to perform on stage. The joy that you will get when you play a musical instrument even when you are alone by yourself is amazing.
22. Spend time on the weekends sitting on the couch and watching romantic movies
Remember Notting Hill? Pretty Woman? Romantic movies touch a soft spot in every woman’s heart and we suggest that you spend a few hours on the weekend watching great romantic flicks.
23. Watch funny videos
Watching funny videos is an instant way to induce happiness and laugh out loud. Go to YouTube.com and search for funny videos. You will be surprised to find many funny videos to match your taste and liking. Go ahead, have a laugh.
24. Enjoy sex and make it a meaningful connection
We often notice that sex takes a beating amongst couples who are married or have been in a long term relationship. Don’t let that happen in your relationship. Sex should be an outlet of passion, emotion and a way of bonding with your partner.
25. Take lots of pictures and browse through your old ones
You may not realize the importance of taking pictures to enjoy life right now but try looking at your high school pictures and see the joy that they bring on your face. Take a lot of pictures and cling onto the happy memories in life forever.
26. Make big celebrations even for small achievements
It could be as small as your kid getting a compliment from his/her teacher or a promotion at work. The key to enjoy life is to celebrate the good times and forget the bad times.
27. Write a list of things that you want to do, and do them
Have you been procrastinating doing your favorite hobby, or going to that new restaurant or cafe just because there are other things that have got priority in your life? We suggest that you make a list of all the things on a little ‘wish list’ and start doing them.
28. Tell yourself that you’ll be open to change
As time passes by, your friends will change, your jobs will change and the way you look will change too. It is human nature to resist and deny change, but that is not where true happiness lies. Real happiness and enjoyment in life lies in accepting changes as they come along.
29. What goes around comes around
No, we are not telling you lyrics of a famous pop song but this is a fact. Be nice to people and they will be nice to you. This only means less trouble, less confusion and less bad vibes. Be good, be happy.
30. Live in the present
Do you worry a lot about the past? Or the future? A typical example can be about worrying about a fight with your ex boyfriend many, many years back. If you are doing that, we suggest that you stop now. Enjoy what you have now, because you never know if you’ll have it tomorrow.