5 Ways To Style Your Curls
4. Wrap it into a French twist

Photo Courtesy: iluvrhinestones
The French twist is as beautiful as a braid. To add to that, it doesn’t even rest on your neck making you feel uneasy! Let some curls lose out of the main French twist and fall along the crown area. Elegant and classy as it seems, it won’t hurt to wear a French twist daily on your head.
5. Roll it into a Ballerina bun

Photo Courtesy: kodomut
If you don’t like your hair falling on your face, you can always tie it up into a classic updo. We’re talking about Cinderella’s hairstyle. It looks beautiful and elegant when paired with ballroom gowns. Wear it on casuals, and you’ll get this peppy and sassy look.
These are 5 different ways to style your curls. No matter which hairstyle you try out, you can always use bobby pins to hold back your hair that comes out of nowhere. Get rid of frizzy hair by using lots of conditioner. Also use serum to give an ultra shine and bounce to your curls.