5 Ways To Reduce Dark Circles Under Your Eyes
4. Identify allergies
“What many people often seem to ignore is that some allergies can cause itchiness around the eye. We all resort to itching and rubbing, don’t we? This may be a major factor in causing dark circles under the eyes”, said Maria. She recommends that if you are constantly rubbing or itching to soothe an itch or a burning sensation on the skin around your eye, identify any possible allergies to reduce rubbing. “To reduce dark circles around your eyes, you should stop scratching the skin below your eyes and get medical help if you think that you have some kind of allergy that is causing the itching or burning sensation”, adds Maria.
5. Put cucumber slices on your eyes
“We all see women getting beauty treatments by putting slices of cucumber on their eyes, don’t we? That’s for a reason”, said Maria. She also added, “Cucumber has a lot of water content which makes it a good hydrating source to reduce dark circles under your eyes”. Find some spare time in the day, sit back on your recliner and place a few slices of cold cucumber over your eyes and take a quick nap. This beauty power nap will go a long way in reducing dark circles under your eyes!