5 Ways How Technology Can Kill Your Relationship

5 Ways How Technology Can Kill Your Relationship

Technology has been called a mixed blessing. While the world is now so accustomed to all kinds of gadgets without which we consider our lives to be incomplete, technology is also being blamed for killing relationships. This is with reference to iPods, mobile and computer applications. Here are ill effects of technology on your relationships.

1. Portable connectivity

Gone are the days when people suffered from lack of communication facilities, when connectivity over telephone was not assured. One could book lightning calls and still not be sure whether they’d be able to speak to their loved one. The mobile phone renders the advantage of easy, affordable and instant connectivity with your near and dear ones even when you are far away. So, it’s a plus for technology, but what if you keep chatting with all and sundry, as your dear one tries to grab a minute of your attention? You bet it’s not going to help!

2. Diminishing personal interaction

You have easy access to the world; whether it’s through emailing, skype, webcam, Facebook or Twitter, but experts assess that social contact remains limited to what technology brings to people rather than face-to-face interaction. When people ‘switch off’ from others in their homes and lives, they lose social interaction in the real sense. Over-dependence on technology has struck at the roots of personal interaction, even between people in the same room, and increased distance between spouses and between lovers.

3. When games take precedence

Games are being blamed for causing a dent in relationships. There are times when people avoid going for a dinner with their spouse or visit somebody to wish them personally for their birthday/anniversary by making all sorts of excuses, just to play games on computer, on PSP or Xbox.

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TAGS: communication facilities, contacting people, dependence, More