5 Types Of Workouts That Will Help You Lose Weight

4) Kickboxing

“Maddy, I noticed a punching bag in your garage. Is that your brother’s?”, Virginia asked. “Yeah, he uses it for his boxing lessons. Why?”, Maddy inquired. “I was thinking that kickboxing would be a great workout to increase your strength and lose weight at the same time. I’ll teach you some punching and kicking coordination exercises that I learnt from my trainer. This will exercise your arms and the lower halves of your body in a way which will make you sweat it out completely”, Virginia said. “And it looks like fun too!”, added Maddy.

5. Thigh circuit training

“What does circuit training mean?”, Maddy asked. “Oh well, it’s a very cool concept. It’s a short set of moves that you keep repeating again and again until you’ve completed it for the recommended number of times. For instance, lie on your back and try to hold up both your feet at a 45-degree angle without support. Then you can stand up straight and squat on your knees as if you were pretending to sit. Another one would be to lie on your chest and try raise your feet”, said Virginia. “From the sound of it, this will tone up my thigh muscles very well. And since most women tend to put on weight on the thighs, they would love this workout, wouldn’t they?”, said Maddy.

How did you find this workout information? Do you wish to suggest some more similar types of exercises? Then feel free to add your advice in our comments section.

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