5 Tips to Cope With A Person Who Disrespects You

4. Learn to ignore such behavior

Sometimes ignoring some who is disrespectful is the best thing you can do. Choose not to react or be bothered by someone who serially disrespects you. Their immaturity or jealousy is a waste of your time. This may happen at school, college or the workplace. If you want, you can broach the subject at a time when the two of you are calm. However, if the person shows no signs of backing down, then put him out of your mind.

5. Build up your defense using facts

Even the nicest person in the world can be disrespected by someone. And simply saying that you don’t like being disrespected may not help your case. Instead build up your defense using facts. These can be facts about how others have been targeted by this person or facts that prove you are an honest individual focused on your life and goals. In the instance of disrespect from your boss, politely point out these facts and even empathize with him, demonstrating that you are aware he has his own workload and expectations from his employees.

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