5 Signs of Depression In Children
4. Lack of energy
A child is always full of energy and excitement. This is one of the best qualities about children. Although a child suffering from stress will depict signs of low energy. He/she will not be excited about anything and will get tired very easily. He/she will take more than usual time to complete a task and will always remain demotivated to do anything.
5. Mood swings
A depressed and withdrawn child will generally be in a bad mood. Irritation will be a common symptom in his/her behavior. He/she might also show signs of short temper and will be angry at small issues.
Observing your child’s daily behavior is necessary in order to make out the sudden changes. All the above mentioned signs are indications that your child is having troubles and needs your help. Being a parent it becomes your responsibility to understand your kid and help him/her when he needs you.