5 Possible Dangers of Liposuction

4. Scarring

One of the dangers of liposuction is that it may lead to permanent scarring or give the skin rough and bumpy patches if there is irregular removal of fat by the surgeon. Such a complication can also leave baggy patches on the skin that may require further treatment.

5. Allergy and infection

Like any other surgery, liposuction comes along with its own risk of complications. Allergy and infection are inherent dangers of liposuction because the surgeon will puncture the skin and deeper tissues with the cannula. The procedure generally requires multiple punctures and other medication to keep the body stable and pain free. There is an inherent risk of complication by means of allergy to the medication or infection from surgical tools used during the liposuction process.

Please discuss these issues with your doctor before you go ahead with the surgery.

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