5 Hairstyle Mistakes To Avoid

4. Cut down on the bouffant

When we say bouffant, we also include excessive volume with it. Sure, some backcombing and volume in an updo would look great, but if you don a hairstyle that gives you a beehive on your head, then it’s a clear no-no. We think that too much volume looks very tacky.

5. Don’t sport a straight look if you have curly hair

We always wonder why beautiful ladies with curly hair want to get rid of their curls. Don’t you think so too? Natural curls are an asset. Ladies with straight hair getting perms won’t look bad, but getting curls straightened out is a terrible hairstyle mistake. It won’t last long and will look supremely artificial.

If you avoid these simple hairstyle mistakes, you’ll have hassle free hair. We suggest you select a hairstyle that suits your face, which is easy to maintain and which looks natural.

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