5 Great Cheeses You Will Love To Try Out
Very rarely do we come across people who don’t like cheese. There are mind boggling varieties in the world that can be paired with different kinds of food and wine in innumerable permutations and combinations. Don’t you think it would be exciting to choose from an array of cheeses kept in front of you on a table? Here are some types that you will love.
1. Chevres

Photo Courtesy: Helge Høifødt
If you are a big fan of dressing up the food laid out on the dining table, then this cheese will be of great use to you. It is available in all shapes and sizes such as pyramids, loaves, patties and logs. You can also pick from a range of textures. We never thought there were so many options to choose from, within just one type of cheese. Oh, by the way, French Chevres are beautiful desert cheeses too. Wine and cheese, anyone?
2. Asiago

Photo Courtesy: Vonvon
Nope, this cheese is not from Asia, ladies. Hailing straight from Italy, Asiago has tiny beautiful ‘eyes’. Yep, you got it right. It looks like the triangular cheese cubes you see in Tom and Jerry! We recommend you try this cheese with a nice Merlot to let its complex, intricate flavors circle your mouth. Wondering how you should use this cheese? Simple. Grate it up and sprinkle it generously on your favorite pasta, fresh breads, salami or fruits.
3. Fromages a pate fondue

Photo Courtesy: Jean Michel Etchecolonea
Oh la la! We are blinded fans for anything French. Did you know that France is a mother to at least a hundred types of cheese? Even if you try one every day, you’d need months or even years to try every single one of them. The specialty of this fondue is that it is blended with various ready made cheeses and is topped with a mixture of herbs, pepper and garlic. We wouldn’t be surprised if we caught you gobbling this delicious cheese as an appetizer. Bon appétit, we say.