45 Things that Make You Happy for Free
24. Going to your secret getaway (a library or a park) and spending some time alone
25. Believing in yourself
26. Writing a diary before going to bed
27. Dancing in the rain
28. Making weird faces in front of the mirror
29. Enjoying a game of carrom, table tennis with a friend
30. Spending time reading jokes
31. Doing something creative
32. Writing a blog
33. Calling up your partner to say ‘I love you’
34. Remembering good old times while lying down on the couch
35. Writing a love letter to your beloved
36. Playing a game of soccer in your locality
37. Browsing through some old photos
38. Planning a holiday
39. Playing a board game with family
40. Walking on the beach holding your loved one’s hand
41. Enjoying the view of the sunset
42. Watching kids play in the park
43. Driving around the town on Christmas eve
44. Visiting the church and attending mass
45. Celebrating your friends’ success
The secret to happiness lies in believing in yourself and doing whatever you wish to. Stop worrying and then life around you will seem beautiful.