4 Tips To Make Your Hair Grow Faster

3. Relax and reduce your stress levels

Exercise in any form such as cardio, yoga, and aerobics help increase blood circulation to all vital body organs. Meditation helps reduce stress and build a positive outlook. Stress induced hair fall is a cause of concern for many people world over. So, it’s best to de-stress.

4. Choose hair care products wisely

Avoid chemical based products which may lead to buildup on the scalp. Choose your hair products from reputed and trusted brands, in order to avoid disappointment. When in doubt over choosing products, consult a dermatologist. Always choose your hair products according to your hair type. Set your hair wash and hair care routine, accordingly. For example, dry or frizzy hair may require less hair washes per week than oily hair.

Growing hair requires patience. An average person’s hair grows about half an inch per month, which makes it about 6 inches per year. Avoid artificial styling, go for trimmings once-in-a-while, and protect hair from direct sun exposure, in addition to the above mentioned ways. Follow these methods diligently, and your dream of having long, lustrous tresses may just come true.

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