4 Things Every Girl Should Have
You have to admit where there’s a girl, there’s always drama. But that shouldn’t stop girls from having any less fun! The female vanity never dies; and neither do those necessary components that she just cannot do without. Every girl out there in the world will always need the most basic essentials which make her life easier. Here is the list of those customary things that every girl should have.
1. The little black dress
In your wardrobe you’ll find stacks of clothes. However that ‘one little black dress’ should never weigh down the closet. It is the one dress girls treasure; the one dress that is apt for almost all occasions- be it a party or a funeral, the most awaited formal date with your latest crush or a corporate meeting in an outdoor location. It is that absolutely lovely garment which will accentuate your curves yet not make you look vulgar. It will camouflage that flab while giving you a serene appeal. It is part of a girl’s ‘must have’ list always.
2. A bank account with enough balance
Girls and shopping go so hand in hand you just can’t do without enough bank balance. We shop when we have a breakup to beat the blues, we shop when we are happy to make ourselves happier, we shop to lose weight and when we attain the desired figure, we shop to accentuate it! ‘A bank account with enough balance’ just can’t skip the ‘must have’ list.