4 Homemade Face Packs for Tanned Skin
3. Papaya and honey
You can either make the papaya into a pulp or put it in a blender and juice it. Mix this with honey and apply it on your skin. This can be a little sticky at first, but you will soon get used to it. You can either leave it overnight or wash it after you had kept it on for a couple of hours. This pack not only helps in removing the tan but also makes your skin soft and shiny.
4. Aloe Vera
The fresher the Aloe Vera the better it is for your skin. Aloe Vera has so many medical properties and is good for your skin too. If you have an Aloe Vera plant in your house, you can cut open the leaves and take the gel that comes out and put it on your face. This gel acts as a cooling agent for burnt skin as well as gets rid of the tan on your skin.
Most of these home remedies take a while to work on your skin. Do not expect results in a day. You need to continue applying these facial masks at least for 3-4 days to see results.