30 Ways to Be a Better Person
16. Cook for someone
Cooking for your parents/boyfriend/spouse will give you a sense of satisfaction. Try doing it.
17. Greet a neighbor
How long has it been that you haven’t seen your neighbor? Say hello to your neighbor or even invite them over for dinner to your place.
18. Be good to your family
Loving and caring for your family isn’t something we need to tell you. Control those negative feelings around them. After all, they are the only family you have.
19. Be a good friend
‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’ Be that friend for your friends.
20. Learn something new
Learning something new is a great way to make use of your time as well as add a new skill to your set of skills. You can learn swimming, playing an instrument or learning a new language.
21. Never think bad for others
Don’t be an grumbling ol’ aunt, nor ever curse anyone even in anger. What good will it be?
22. Volunteer
Volunteer for community service, help at an old age shelter or animal farm. Do something good for the society.
23. Give your complete attention
When someone’s talking, give your complete attention to him/her. Don’t fidget or look elsewhere. That conveys you being plain rude.
24. Be confident
Whatever you are doing, do it confidently. Don’t hesitate. If you are confident, no one can stop you from achieving what you want to.
25. Be caring
Show your care towards family, fellow human beings, animals and nature. Caring for everyone and everything around you speaks a lot about your character.
26. Read a worthwhile book
Reading a book will only help you to gain knowledge. Read self-help books, motivational books, general knowledge books and the lot.
27. Forgive and forget
It’s very difficult to forgive someone. But if you don’t, no one will gain anything out of it, right? So forgive and let go. It will make you feel better.
28. Have faith
Just like confidence, have ample of faith in what you do.
29. Stand up for something wrong
If you believe that something wrong is happening with you or someone else, face it and fight against it.
30. Be the best you can
Last of all, after reading the aforementioned points, it ultimately depends on you whether you want to inculcate these in your daily living. So be the best person you can and be that genuinely.