17 Best Essential Oils That You Must Know About

6. Jasmine Oil

Though costly, jasmine oil is nevertheless very popular for its sweet smell and great curative properties. Jasmine oil is best used in bath water to de-stress as a cure for depression. In olden times, jasmine oil was used in water during childbirth. Jasmine oil is used in addiction therapy too.

7. Rosemary Oil

Rosemary is used as a mind stimulant that can jog your memory better. It is mostly used by patients who suffer from depression and anxiety. Due to its pain depressing ability, it is used for aches, cramps, headaches and especially for migraines. It also exhibits antiseptic properties hence it is added to lots of recipes, providing relief from digestive and liver disorders. Rosemary oil is used in hair oil and shampoos for invigorating the scalp for hair growth as well as in skin lotions for dermal relief.

8. Marjoram Oil

This essential oil is used to treat ADHD in kids by adding it to bath water or to the vaporizer water. We can find its usage since Greek times, especially for digestion and cramps. It is also a great agent that relieves insomnia, fatigue and respiratory and circulation ailments.

9. Rose Oil

Rose oil is famous for its lovely feminine aroma and is used in skin treatment. Due to its multi-faceted properties, it is used to treat mental ailments, digestion, circulation, heart and respiratory problems.

10. Bergamot Oil

This oil is extracted from Citrus Beragamia tree, giving the oil its citrusy fragrance. It is mainly used in vaporizers to relieve stress, anxiety, depression. It is applied topically to treat skin infections like eczema or psoriasis. It also acts as a stimulant for the liver, digestive tract and spleen.

11. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint is the most common flavor used in food seasoning for its mouth freshening ability. Peppermint is a natural cooling agent and refreshes a person with a little oil added to the food or to the massage oils. It also helps in clearing congestion and helps digestion.

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