16 Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight

9. Read labels before buying

Opt for low-fat instead of full fat. Search for ‘fat-free.’ Choose ‘baked’ over ‘fried’ while buying snacks to munch on. Reading labels will make you more aware about the calorie content of the foods you are about to consume. This helps you in keeping control.

10. Exercise regularly

If you don’t have the time for a gym workout, then at least ensure that you maintain a 30 minute walk routine. If you are trying to reduce weight, you absolutely must indulge in active exercises. This keeps you fit and helps your metabolism to burn those calories away!

11. Make soups and salads your new friends

Include soups and salads in your diet. But make sure that salads are without dressings or with low-fat healthy dressings. Also, avoid adding cream in soups.

12. Do not give in to midnight hunger pangs

You should not eat at midnight. Period. You shouldn’t consume any food before sleeping. The time gap between your meal and sleep should be at least 2-3 hours.

13. Do not skip breakfast

It is the most important meal of the day. Do not skip it. Go for a healthy and wholesome breakfast to kick start your metabolism.

14. Keep your dinner light

Eat breakfast like a king and dinner like a beggar. This old saying has a lot of wisdom. Keeping your dinner light ensures that you don’t pile up on calories while sleeping.

15. Control your portions while you eat

Stop eating when your stomach is satisfactorily full. That’s the rule and you should stick to it.

16. Be happy and motivated

Stress and depression often triggers overeating. Stay happy and stay healthy.

Taking care of these simple things will ensure that you keep your weight in check. Avoid unnecessary weight gain by being disciplined in your eating and living habits.

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TAGS: avoid gaining weight, calories, depression, More