12 Good Conversation Starters with a New Guy

7. Surroundings

Wherever you are, observe and remark about what’s happening, whether you like or not. “That’s a wonderful dress”, “Wow, that pie looks amazing!”. He’ll then agree/disagree with you and will get the conversation rolling.

8. Hobbies/ Social activities

A very safe topic starter with people who are not really close, yet!

9. Parents

Whether you love them or hate them, they can really drive your conversation for quite some time!

10. Teachers/ Annoying Neighbors / Weird colleagues

Yet another great gossip conversation starter!. The topic will just keep rolling and you’ll really end up enjoying and sharing funny and weird stories!

11. Current happenings

A very general topic to begin with. Talk about anything that has happened recently in your locality/ surroundings/ state, and see where your conversation leads you to!

12. Life

Life in general is one wide open topic which you can start with complete strangers too! No need to get personal, just talk about general philosophy and perceptions about life!

So follow these simple tips and happy talking!

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