12 Fun Facts About Diamonds
Diamonds are a woman’s best friend. They make a woman look beautiful and priceless. We may know a lot of facts about diamonds, but it may be intriguing to learn a few more. Here we discuss some fun and interesting facts about diamonds.
1. Irrespective of what you have heard, diamonds are not the hardest substance known to man on the Earth. They are just the hardest natural mineral substance existing.
2. It is also notable that they have the highest melting point. Diamonds are known to be rock-hard and almost fire proof. Heating up a diamond to 1,292 degrees Fahrenheit will melt it.
3. Diamonds exist very deep down the Earth, almost 75 miles deep. And to mine a single one-carat diamond, 250 tons of Earth needs to be dug.
4. And not all the diamonds that are mined can be made in to jewelry. Almost 80 percent of the diamonds cannot be used to make adorable jewels.
5. During the cutting process, diamonds loose close to 40 to 70 percent of their original weight.
6. Diamonds were first discovered in India, followed by Brazil. Later, there were huge diamond deposits found in North America as well.