11 Easy Ways To Lose Weight

5. Have honey with warm water

This is a personal advice. It has been used for several years, and it always works. Take a glass of hot water, add a tablespoon of honey to it and stir. Drink this water first in the morning. You will lose weight really fast.

6. Note down what you consume

Maintain a journal where you write all that you consumed all day long and how long you exercised. This journal will keep you aware about how much fat you are consuming and it will also make you feel guilty when you have broken the rules too many times.

7. Avoid watching TV while eating

Studies reveal that while watching TV, we unknowingly tend to consume more. We also tend to eat faster as our mind is distracted and thus don’t chew our food properly. Hence, as far as possible, switch off that idiot-box while having your meals.

8. Exercise regularly

Now this doesn’t mean that you have to run on the treadmill all day long. You can even do simple things to keep your body fit and healthy. For example, instead of taking the lift, climb up the stairs; instead of taking a cab, walk over short distances; instead of using the remote control, walk to your TV to change channels; instead of buying a car, invest in a bicycle; and instead of telephoning your friend who lives close by, simply walk up to their place. These things may be little but they matter a lot. Besides these natural forms of exercises, walking, cycling and power yoga are my favorite methods to lose weight.

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