10 Ways To Make Your Marriage Divorce Proof

6. Nagging

Don’t keep nagging your spouse. You can nag your kids when they aren’t doing things right but with your spouse; you need to treat that a little differently. If an annoying habit of your spouse is getting onto your nerves, then give them their space and talk to them about it rather than being confrontational about it.

7. Communicate

In addition to keeping your relationship on a strong thread, communication can actually stir up the romance in your relationship once again. It doesn’t mean becoming more verbal, but being more expressive. Bring back the sweet nothings, soft whispers and stolen glances while communicating to each other.

8. Third person interference

We do look to our best friends in times in discord in our relationship but tread carefully on that path. You must exercise discretion in what you share with your best friends about your spouse. Your spouse may not like it if he/she comes to know that there are some personal things that you have been sharing with your friends, however close they might be.

9. Do your own thing

Sometimes staleness seeps into marriage because couples end up spending too much time together. Pursue your own hobbies in which you get time to spend with yourself. You have to have your own hobbies and personality so that when you spend time with each other, you have different things to talk about and you look forward to it.

10. Tweak up a bit

Maybe ‘compromise’ is a little bit of an exaggeration, but a couple should surely tweak their personalities, attitudes and habits to match with each other. There will be many aspects of each other that you don’t particularly like, but you must learn to live with them. After all, life doesn’t come in a perfect package.

You don’t need professional help if your marriage is undergoing a rough patch. All you need to do is think through the points above, analyse where you went wrong and act upon them. If the situation worsens, seek professional help. Follow these tips religiously to make your marriage divorce proof.

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