10 Ways To Make Him Miss You
6. Surprise him sometimes
Surprises always work well. You can get a romantic gift for him without any special occasion, or plan a luncheon for both of you on a Sunday. You could also take him out for a romantic dinner on the weekends.
7. Hang up deliberately
Before you get us wrong, hanging up deliberately means you say something like, “Hey, I was wondering what you are doing tonight ‘coz….” Click. Hang up on him with statements like these and he is sure to call you back. But don’t answer now, this will keep things interesting between both of you as he will keep thinking about you and miss you.
8. Don’t nag him
All guys hate this behavior of girls – nagging. Don’t call him up during the day to say that he forgot his dirty socks on the bed or that he still hasn’t called the plumber to fix the drainage system or you didn’t like the T-shirt that he wore today. No one will like this kind of behavior and will want to get rid of you as soon as possible. Instead, you could call him during the day and just say, “I love that shirt you have on today”.
9. Plan a trip with your girl friends
Let it be short like a 1 or 2 night trip with your girl friends. This will tell him that you are independent and can do stuff without him too. Call him while you’re on the trip, but this is not the time to make him jealous. If you’re not with him for 2-3 days, he will start missing you naturally. Remember the ‘leaving a reminder’ thing we told you about earlier? Yes, that will make him miss you.
10. Don’t call him too many times
If you’re going to be away from him for a long time or vice versa, there’s one other thing that you shouldn’t do. Don’t call him constantly. He will feel you’re intruding in his personal time too. Yes, it’s okay to call him 2-3 times in a day. But don’t make that to once in an hour.