10 Ways to Know If You Are In Love With Each Other

10 Ways to Know If You Are In Love With Each Other

The period between meeting that person whom you consider special and falling in love is usually a grey area. This is usually so because the process of identifying and answering skeptical questions is often tough and nerve wrecking. Although, determining your feelings is subjective. There are certain obvious areas and occasions where you might possibly confirm the existence of love between the two of you. Mentioned below are 10 ways to know if you are in love.

1. If he steals time to either talk to you or meet you as frequently as possibly, then he is certainly attempting to get to know you better.

2. If he shows extreme interest in your conversations even when you very well know that they are neither meaningful nor useful in any way, then probably he is interested in you. He may be valuing your conversation and thoughts and intends to show his interest in aspects related to you.

3. If he goes out of his way to offer his help and support whenever you need it, then something’s cooking! Although this is a friendly act, the intensity and frequency determines the nature of affection and interest towards you.

4. Are you spending a considerable amount of time thinking about him and what he must be doing? Do you want to call him as soon as you lose sight of him? It seems you want him to be by your side every moment.

5. Is the duration of your phone calls with him on the increase? Do you stay awake late into the night to have a long conversation? This means probably you both don’t want to hang up on each other.

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Photo Courtesy : VinothChandar
TAGS: affection, approval, calls, More