10 Useful Tips to Build a Rapport With Your Boss

6. Be aware of his moods

Don’t go to him with a problem when you see him fuming over something. Use his mood swings to your advantage.

7. Treat him as a mentor

More often than not we treat our bosses as our worst enemies which only deteriorates the relationship further. So treat him as a mentor for a change, and also try to emulate his
good qualities.

8. Focus on his subjects of interests

If you are looking forward to build a good rapport with your boss, you should be aware of his interests, like football, adventure sports, bikes etc., so that you have something to talk about in leisure time other than your company’s balance sheet.

9. Be aware of his likes and dislikes

Try to observe what makes him happy and what makes him go nuts, and try to do more of the former and less of the latter. For instance, if he is a sucker for punctuality, make sure you don’t piss him off by turning up a good one hour late to office every day.

10. Have a pleasant demeanor

This is something that applies to your coworkers as much as it applies to your boss. If you want to be liked by others and build bonhomie with them, you should have a pleasant visage. An obtuse angled lip line is not gonna get you anywhere for sure.

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