10 Quick Organizing Tips

10 Quick Organizing Tips

In today’s fast paced world, one needs to be on one’s toes all the time. With so much to do in a short period of time, it’s better to be organized so as to increase your productivity at all places, be it home or office. So here are few quick organizing tips to sharpen your skills.

1. Maintain a ‘to-do’ diary

It helps immensely to write down the things that you need to do. That’s the role of a ‘to-do’ diary. For maximum benefit, divide the diary into three parts: ‘Top Priority’, ‘Urgent’ and ‘Essential’.

2. Do a self-analysis every afternoon

This check should be done in consonance with your ‘to-do’ diary so that you can know what your progress is and how you should be going about the rest of the day so as to complete all your tasks on time.

3. Invest in good files and folders

Good files and folders are your tools in organizing yourself. Keep all your household bills separately in different files, or alternatively you can buy a file with many transparent separate pockets. That way you can have one household file, and yet everything would be organized.

4. Arm yourself with essential stationery

Always keep stapler, office pins, clips and other such things handy.

5. Devote 5 minutes to de – clutter yourself everyday

Everyday, give 5 minutes of your time to throw away the things you don’t need. Parking slips, pamphlets, brochures and the likes that you keep collecting throughout the day but have no need for later, should be discarded to keep yourself clutter free.

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Photo Courtesy : jinkazamah
TAGS: career advice, career tips, clutter, More