10 Hobbies for Women in Their 20s

6. Cooking

Not only is food important for survival, but it can also be a way of winning people. Prepare a nice meal or just bake cookies for your spouse/boyfriend and find the way to his heart.

7. Learn a foreign language

Learning a foreign language can be a very enriching pastime. Besides, it also gives you the opportunity to come in close contact with a different culture.

8. Adventure sports

There is no dearth of adventure societies. Just join one and go kayaking, bungee jumping, scuba diving and a lot more.
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9. Candle making

It is not only a simple but also a fun activity. Besides, you can always use the candles for those sensual sessions with your boyfriend afterwards.

10. Gardening

Do you remember the time you stared with envy at your neighbor’s beautiful garden? Well, you don’t need to. Just groom your garden and notice the change. After all, all that the poor plants require is some water, sunshine and your attention.

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TAGS: adventure sports, candle making, cooking, More