10 Health Benefit of Eggs

6. Helping the eyesight

Studies have pointed out how eating eggs can benefit eyesight. Eating an egg daily may be able to build good eyesight as lutein and zeaxanthin, required to battle against mascular degeneration, are present in eggs. These nutrients, also, are said to lower the risk of cataracts.

7. Hope for the immune system

Prior research has been very encouraging but more is required before scientists can specifically commit that eating eggs can reduce the impact of chronic inflammatory diseases. Choline and betaine, which are found in eggs, and which work together in the methylation process where genes can be turned off, are being studied further to establish whether genes involved in inflammation can be turned off.

8. Preventing blood clots

Proteins in the egg yolk prolong the time for fibrinogen– a protein in the bloodstream– from being converted into fibrin, which is the base on which blood clots are formed. So, eating eggs can actually prevent the formation of blood clots, though nutritionists/scientists caution against overeating eggs.

9. Preventing osteoporosis

Vitamin D is required by the body to absorb calcium. Eggs are one of the few foods that contain vitamin D, as well as calcium; the two together prevent the development of osteoporosis and arthritis.

10. For healthy nails and hair

Eggs assist in hair growth and healthier nails because of the protein and sulphur present in them, as well as other essential vitamins and minerals.

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