10 Foods That Lower Blood Sugar Level

6. Cinnamon

Apart from having a wonderful tangy taste, cinnamon has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels as well. The good thing is that there is no limit to the food stuff you can add cinnamon to – from tea to cereal.

7. Soy

It is a rich source of protein but contains very little carbohydrate which makes it the elixir for diabetes. If you build your body without increasing your blood sugar levels, soy bean is the answer to your problems.

8. Salacia

This herb has been in use in India since ancient times and is said to reduce blood sugar levels dramatically. Even before the world began resorting to insulin shots, Ayurvedic physicians would recommend this herb to keep blood sugar levels in body in check.

9. Lettuce

It is a wonderful way to fight high blood sugar due to its very low cholesterol and carbohydrate contents.

10. Flax seeds

They are a rich source of magnesium and Omega-3 fatty acids and can go a long way in lowering blood sugar levels in the body.

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