10 Extrovert Personality Traits

6. They love social dos

You can spot an extrovert easily from within the crowd at a get together. She would be the one doing the rounds, going and talking to everyone, having a laugh here, a joke there, and would seem effortless doing it. She is the life of a party.

7. They love the spotlight

An extrovert wants it all – center stage, and a single spotlight. They love the attention, they work it, earn it, live it. She loves being bathed in light! Extroverts will not shy away from the interest they generate or the questions thrown their way.

8. They are shallow

Extroverts have this tendency to come off as shallow. Well, it is in their nature to not speculate a lot before shooting things out of their mouth, so they have a hard time not coming off as a shallow person. But again, this is just a perception people have.

9. They are loud

While introverts would have a natural grace about them usually, an extrovert would more often than not, be loud. But this is what makes them attractive. They know how to get your attention and they know how to keep it!

10. They are dependent

An extrovert needs her people, and gets so used to working with them and working together with them that at times it gets hard for her to do things independently! They do not mind others intervening in their work and life.

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