10 Best Acne Diet Tips

6. Consume fennel

If you are looking for a natural cleanser, fennel should do the trick. Cleansing is an important routine for a blemish free skin and eating fennel can do that in the most harmless and beneficial of ways. Fennel enhances digestion, brings down swelling and flushes out toxins from your body and impurities from skin.

7. Watch out for common triggers

Acne is most often caused by certain common triggers that include trans fats such as fried and processed foods, caffeine, spicy foods, dairy, alcohol, soda and tobacco products. Cutting them out from your regular diet helps to keep a control on breakouts and pimples.

8. Have alfalfa sprouts

These sprouts may not be the most appealing to eat since they look pretty much like grass but they are nature’s repository of skin clearing chemicals and nutrients. These sprouts contain live enzymes that fight inflammation and give you clean and clear skin.

9. Consume garlic

Allicin is a naturally occurring chemical in garlic. It fights and kills harmful bacteria and viruses that cause impurities in your skin and leave you blemish free. It comes under the category of pungent foods and has positive effects on skin.

10. Have colorful veggies regularly

Nutrition experts recommend daily intake of 10 fist sized servings of veggies and that too the very bright and colorful ones. These veggies are packed with antioxidants that destroy free radicals that cause immense damage to the human body.

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