10 Bad Omens From Around The World

6. Cracks

Stepping on a crack was considered to be a bad omen. It would crack your health, your luck and your life energy. It would also take you out of balance in your life.

7. Whistle

To whistle in your house means to whistle the money out of it and out of your pocket. It is believed, whistling brings poverty.

8. Returning someone’s money at night

Some people believe that if you lend money and someone gives it back in the second half of the day or after dark, it is a bad omen. So, people take or give money only during the day.

9. Bird flying inside the house

If a bird flies into a house, it is a very bad omen. People believed, birds had the souls of the dead in them. So, they recommended not to spend a night in such a house.

10. An empty bucket

If a person, most commonly a woman, crosses your way with empty buckets, you won’t have any luck.

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