Top 5 Weirdest Hobbies

4. Playing Dead

Playing Dead

Photo Courtesy: PinkMoose

It means acting as if you’re dead to the people around you. Mischief or attention seeking, whatever the reason is, there are many of people out there who actually enjoy it and take it as a hobby. Now there are some real weirdos out there who even go to the extent of faking their death by posting images of themselves dead or making announcements about their funeral. Sounds more of a disorder than a hobby to me!

5. Suing


Photo Courtesy: State Records NSW

Believe it or not, some people seem to have hots for this hobby. They actually dig for reasons to sue others, even if the reason may seem absolutely silly to the sound mind. While some just enjoy making people’s life miserable, others think of suing as a way to earn some fast cash. Jonathan Lee Riches is one such example. His name has come in the Guinness Book of World Records as the person who has filed the highest number of lawsuits. Can you imagine what he did next? Sued the Guinness Book of World Records for mentioning his name without his permission!

So girls, I’m sure you must be amused looking at the strange kind of hobbies that actually exist in our world. Well just like I said, it is one crazy world!

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