6 Fun Family Christmas Picture Ideas

4. A toast on the table

Make your family Christmas picture simple but fun by getting everyone to pose on the dinner table or near the Christmas tree while raising a toast. If you have a lunch or dinner spread ready in front of you, make sure you include that in the picture as well. Since wine is also an essential part of Christmas, don’t forget to place all the bottles of wine in the frame that you are planning to consume this festive season.

5. Candy picture

If there are lots of kids in your family, this is a fun idea you can use for a picture. Since kids love candies, get all the kids to hold as many candies as possible in their hands. Get them to make shapes joining their candy canes with each other. While the kids are upto their candy antics, the elders and parents of the family can stand behind them and get a colorful picture taken. You can also create a pool of candies and use that as your backdrop for the picture.

6. Candle picture

If you want to make a good Christmas memory with a fun picture, use all the Christmas candles in your house to your advantage. Light up all sizes and colors of candles in the shape of a heart on the floor. Once the candles are lit, dim the house lights and adjust the settings of the camera accordingly. While everyone will have fun lighting candles and basking in the spirit of Christmas, you will get a lovely family picture too.

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