8 Best Fashion Accessories To Try
5. Bags

sxc.hu: SheCat
If you want to carry something bigger than a clutch, a handbag is the most obvious option. Traditionally, bags were used to to carry things around and were treated as utility items. However now a days women use different handbags to make different style statements. Leather, synthetic, jute or paper bags; they all look fabulous when teamed up with any kind of outfit. A handbag makes the look complete.
6. Scarfs

sxc.hu: irum
You can use a scarf as a tie or a belt, hair band or a headgear, or you may simply use it to cover your face from the sun. Floral or plain, satin or silk, scarfs are great to add polish and sheen to any outfit. Try a classy scarf on a dull colored outfit, and that will transform the look of your outfit.
7. Earrings

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They come in so many varieties for different occasions. Be it a grand party or just when you’re going to the movies, earrings are practically made for every occasion. You may pick precious gems like diamonds and pearls, or if you wish you can also pick metals like gold and silver. Apart from these, artificial earrings also come in a variety of options to pick from. Try the latest bling earrings and get magically transformed.
8. Watches

sxc.hu: watford
Today watches don’t just tell the time, they sparkle up your wrist with their stylish and sleek design. Watches of various brands come up with so many different varieties and designs each year that it becomes difficult to choose. You get watches for every occasion. The range of watches is mind boggling and with the advent of waterproof watches, they have become more popular
among women.