12 Things to Do on the 12 Days of Christmas

12 Things to Do on the 12 Days of Christmas

The 12 days of Christmas begin on Christmas day and is called Christmastide or twelve tide. Many countries and people around the world celebrate these twelve days in different ways and a lot do not even remember it as it is a tradition that has been long forgotten. Some even go to the extent of erroneously thinking that the twelve days of Christmas end on Christmas day and that it should begin on the 14th of December as opposed to the 25th of December. Another reason could be that the heavy commercialization kind of brings an end to the holiday soon after Christmas with Christmas after sales beginning on the 26th and ‘boxing day’ on the same day. Different churches and denominations also celebrate it rather differently. Whatever the ways it is celebrated around the world, here are things you can do on the 12 days of Christmas.

1. Meet a different friend on each one of the twelve days

You can meet up a different friend on each of the twelve days, this way you will get to see most of your friends who you haven’t had the time to meet over the year.

2. Make new friends or strike up a conversation with strangers

If you are an introvert you can take this up and try to make new friends on the 12 days or even strike up conversations with strangers. You never know how many friends you can make this way.

3. Quit smoking for the twelve days

You can quit smoking for these 12 days in a year if you have been unsuccessfully been trying to quit before.

4. Abstain from drinking

Since Christmas would be officially over, you can begin to either cut down on drinking or abstain from drinking completely.

5. Make a different dish for each day

Make a new dish for each day. In some places, traditional dishes are cooked for each of the twelve days. You can either do this or make up your own dishes for each day.

6. Pick a gift for each of the twelve days

The gifts given on these twelve days signify the 12 months of the next year. So pick gifts that would make sense with the months of the next year.

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