8 Things That Could Kill Your Relationship
5. Addiction to technology
Since technology has penetrated into almost all areas of life, it may not be surprising to find your boyfriend glued to his iPhone while you are saying something important to him or vice versa. If either of the partners have a habit of overusing technology to the extent of hurting each other’s feelings, it may destroy a relationship.
6. Competition about work and earnings
When couples start comparing their salaries, promotions and progress at work, mayhem is bound to ensue. A healthy amount of competitive spirit between partners can be productive, but when it crosses the line, power struggles and ego hassles can potentially damage relationships.
7. Vices
Are you or your boyfriend a chronic alcoholic, a drug addict or a chain smoker? Do you become irritated and frustrated when you can’t satisfy your craving for a vice? Addictions like these are known to be the cause of trauma or abuse in relationships. If you are in a similar situation, chances are that your relationships may be falling apart.
8. Bad hygiene
You may think that relationships hinging on insignificant matters like hygiene are shallow, but that may not always be the case. Petty arguments between couples on such issues are known to spiral out of control and permanently damage relationships. It can take something as seemingly small as a partner who has a bad body odor to irk the other partner off.