7 Hobbies That Can Bring You Money
5. Comic Book Collecting

Photo Courtesy: Enokson
People who take up this hobby treat comic books like artwork. They are known as pannapictagraphists. They preserve and look after comic books written by renowned authors. When their collection increases by a considerable amount, they trade it off to other comic book collectors. The books that are harder to find cost more. Many may find this hobby useless, but they are not aware that it can actually make a person rich overnight. This hobby can earn lots of money if traded well.
6. Stamp Collecting

Photo Courtesy: jurvetson
It refers to making a neat and tidy collection of postal stamps. This hobby is one of the most popular hobbies in the whole world. People generally request their families and friends from different countries to send them stamps of the countries they are in. These stamps can pay you off more money that you can even imagine. The Three-Skilling Yellow stamp of Sweden was sold for $2,300,000 in the year 1996.
7. Toys, Dolls and Action Figure Collecting

Photo Courtesy: elbragon
As children, we girls used to love to collect our barbie dolls. If you have preserved all your toys, I think you should find out what they are worth today. Almost all types of fun toys, G.I. Joe Soldier dolls and Barbie dolls are in great demand in the Northern part of America. Vintage toys especially can earn you lots of money. Happy realization! Now, go back to your old stuff and find out if you could get something out of it.